How to Select a Content Marketing Agency - Inspect the Creators

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How to Select a Content Marketing Agency, Part 1: Inspect the Creator

Check Out the Content on Their Website and Social Media

Before you hire any content marketing agency, take a look at their website and social media posts. How are they doing with their own content? If you don’t like the answer to that question, why would you hire them to revamp your website, pen your email marketing campaign or organize your social media presence?


If you need some help evaluating an agency’s digital content, use this SEO checklist as a guide. In our opinion, any content marketing agency worth its bits and bytes should present a beautiful website with helpful content. Savvy SEO companies also link their content across multiple channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and their website. Feel free to check out the ENDURANCE website for a great example of how it’s done.


Red Flag Alert: If you go to a content marketing agency’s website and find poor-quality content, immediately cross them off the list.



READ PART 2 of Selecting a Content Marketing Agency: Pick an agency that specializes in Ecommerce for Ecommerce »

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