It’s always hard to come in 2nd or 3rd place. It’s a shot to the gut 😪 We were a finalist for an award for best 2024 email campaign out of thousands and thousands of entries from other agencies. When we found out we were finalists, we thought for sure we had won. Unfortunately not. […]

One of the biggest frustrations for marketing leaders within an organization is being able to clearly demonstrating ROI of marketing efforts to upper management (or stakeholders).   It can be difficult to clearly demonstrating ROI of marketing efforts to upper management or stakeholders. You wish for an easy and accurate way to measure the impact […]

[UPDATED FOR GA4] This article is a simple guide for those marketers just learning Google Analytics or us veterans who simply haven’t had the time to dive into where things are located within the Google Analytics dashboard. With the new version of Google Analytics, a lot of us thought the interface would change; well, next […]

We all use Google search.  And regardless of the power and innovation of AI over the last two years, we all still use Google Search.    What’s Google Search? If you’re living in a cave, Google Search has evolved from a simple search engine (calculating inbound links and alt tag descriptions) to a sophisticated tool and […]

Being thankful for the biggest career failure of my life 🤔 I have never viewed myself as a great leader (I wish so much that I was one). I’d like to share one of my largest failures of my career. I know my weaknesses well (too many sleepless nights internalizing and beating myself up over […]

QUESTION: What table are users stored in with ProcessWire? Answer: “Pages” table Yes, it’s a horrible way they manage users.   QUESTION: Can I reset the password of a user directly in the ProcessWire Database? Answer: Nope, you’d need to ensure you have the forgot password module installed and reset the password that way. Yes, […]

What you need to know about keyword research with little-to-no SEO experience required. First, keyword research is a foundational element of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. If an agency is going to try and help you with search engine marketing and is not going to conduct keyword research, then you should ditch that company and […]

The Pros and Cons of Regulating Social Media Platforms and Social Media Posts A lot of politicians are saying a lot of things about banning TikTok, restricting access to young adults and children on the platforms, and fighting the fauxts news that is melded into legit news so well no one can tell the difference. […]

In one of our recent blog articles we talked about the top challenges facing marketers in 2023. It included 24 different challenges marketers believe will haunt them as they sleep this year. However, the number one biggest challenge was catching the customer’s attention. Competition is stiff these days. Heck, go to the grocery store and […]

I think what’s most interesting (in our most recent blog article) from a performance marketing/SEO perspective is the blatant duplication/copying/plagiarism of each other’s lists that Google rewarded in the top 10 (heck, the top 50) serps. That was a surprising by-product of this exercise. Realizing Google doesn’t give af about the advice/guidance they give or […]