Top 5 Digital Marketer Goals for 2019-2020
Depending on what point in the calendar year is an organization’s fiscal year, client-side leaders in charge of digital marketing efforts have already planned their future (2020) goals.
Goals Senior Digital Marketing Managers are focusing on
According to Altimeter’s recent Digital Marketing survey conducted Q2, 2019 that targeted senior marketers around the globe, here are the top 5 Digital Marketing Strategy Goals for the next year:
It’s all about Brand…
- Increase Brand Awareness and Brand Health – 37% / 100%
Brand, Brand, Brand, it’s all about brand. At ENDURANCE, we believe heavily in Digital + Brand. It’s reassuring that top marketers around the world agree.
Create New Prospects
- Increase number of new leads/customer prospects – 26% / 100%
This one feels a bit misleading to me. Doesn’t ever company whether an commodity company, service business, straight ecommerce, etc. all want to increase customers? We might want to dive into this goal a bit further in the future because #1 leads to #2 and #2 can live alone.

A unified Customer Experience
- Deliver a high quality, unified customer experience across all digital channels – 20% / 100%
This might seem easy and straight forward, however in larger organizations, many stakeholders have many agendas. One leader may want to invoke the speech of Abraham Lincoln in their marketing messaging, another Donald Trump. Unifying the experience no matter a customer is on a blog webpage or instagram story is harder than it sounds.
Increase Product/Service Affinity
- Increase awareness and positive sentiment around new products – 13% / 100%
This is how companies grow. They expand service/product offerings, define the plethora of details in a marketing plan, and Go-To-Market with that plan. I’m surprised it’s actually not a higher priority! However, some organizations have product launch vs. product maintenance in different silos, so this might explain the low priority on this goal.
Take advantage of existing business
- Increase Business Revenue w/ existing customers – 5% / 100%
This is easier said than done, and a lot of times uneducated internal resources are leading the way on these marketing iniatives. As the study suggests, this may be an undiscovered opportunity for many companies. Especially if your agency isn’t help with these types of efforts – get them involved asap.
Well there you have it!
Do these goals line up to yours? Do they line up to what your agencies are working on? Do your agencies have solidified mandates their driving toward?
Success and excellence in digital marketing is obtainable for all, and if you need help define what success looks like for you and your goals in FY2020?
Don’t be shy! Reach out and ask us if we can help
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SRC: https://www.prophet.com/wp-content/filemgr/2019/07/Altimeter_2019-State-of-Digital-Marketing_PDF.pdf