How to Pick an SEO Agency, Part 3: Require a Transparent Estimate

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How to Pick an SEO Agency, Part 3: Require a Transparent Estimate

Require an open, honest, and transparent estimate

Ask for costs upfront:

  • Where is your budget going?
  • Is there at least a description of services to be provided?
  • Is there recommendations vs. limits?

Some SEO agencies may be outside your budget, And be very cautious with low-cost SEO agencies. The adage, “you get what you pay for,” is most apparent in the world of Search Engine Optimization. If an agency isn’t charging much for services, they’re probably not providing the same quality of service vs. a reliable, cost-conscious agency would. A good agency will be able to determine how much work improving your website’s SEO will take, and price it accordingly.

An estimate should provide a line-by-line explanation of where your money is going, and how that money leads to success.


For more information on How to Select the Best SEO Agency for your needs:

[Previous] Read Part 2 – “Ask Your Network who their favorite SEO Agency is

[Next] Read Part 4 – “Define Success Metrics/KPIs when Selecting an SEO Agency.

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